Join by cheque or standing order

If you would prefer to pay online by card, please click here.


To join the Friends of the Dymock poets, please print out this form, complete it, and send it to the FDP’s Membership Secretary, whose address is given below.

Full Name/names: ……………………………………………………………………….
Address: ……………………………………………………………………….



Post Code: ………………………….
Evening Tel no: …………………………………………..
E-mail Address: ……………………………………………………………………….

Subscription Rates

The membership year runs from 1 November to 31 October.

UK Tick   Europe Tick   North America & Asia Tick
Individuals £12 [ ] €21 (£15) [ ] $27 ($C36; £18) [ ]
Couples £18 [ ] €29 (£21) [ ] $36 ($C48; £24) [ ]
Students £4 [ ] €11 (£8) [ ] $15 ($C30; £10) [ ]
Societies, Libraries etc £12 [ ] €21 (£15) [ ] $30 ($C47; £18) [ ]

Additional Contributions are always gratefully received  [ ]

UK Members only:
1. I enclose a cheque for £……………… to cover one year’s membership of The Friends of the Dymock Poets plus a contribution (if applicable).
2. I would like to pay my subscription to The Friends of the Dymock Poets by standing order. Please send me details on how to do this.

International members:

Please pay by bank transfer as follows:

To: Friends of the Dymock Poets
Account Number: 23615529
Sort code: 20-45-45

SWIFTBIC identifier: BUKBGB22
IBAN No. GB65 BUKB 2045 4523 6155 29


Please send the completed form to the FDP’s Membership Secretary.
FDP Membership, 3 Hudson Walk, Newent, Gloucestershire. GL18 1UG.

Email for enquiries: