

Dymock Poets and Friends journal coverDymock Poets and Friends, the journal of the Friends of the Dymock Poets, was founded in 2002 to publish serious studies and scholarly articles about the Dymock Poets and their friends and acquaintances. Most of the talks given at the Friends’ events over the years have been published, alongside commissioned and specially written articles. It therefore provides a valuable insight into the poets’ lives and works, and is a useful source of information on the development of the interest in the six poets.

The current issue is sent automatically to members.

To enquire about back issues, please contact the journal editor, John Monks,

Contents of ‘Dymock Poets and Friends’

No. 1, 2002
  • Robert Frost. Talk of going
  • David Constantine. True travellers: Edward Thomas and W.H. Davies
  • Tom Paulin. Robert Frost: sentence sound, acoustic structure and the Vernacular
  • Elizabeth Saville. Rupert Brooke, Phyllis Gardner and 1912
  • Lynn Parker. “A binding figure”: Wilfrid Gibson and Ivor Gurney
  • Paul Downey. Edward Thomas’s last battle: Arras 1917
  • Phil Cochran. The ubiquity of liquid in the poetry of Rupert Brooke
No. 2, 2003
  • Lesley Lee Francis. Robert Frost and the child: ‘Mother Goose’ and the ‘Imagination thing’
  • James Bridges. John Drinkwater: a contextual view
  • Jeff Cooper. Lascelles Abercrombie and Arthur Ransome
  • Roy Palmer. Wet days at Little Iddens: Edward Thomas and traditional song
  • Peter Howarth. Balham, Gateway to ‘The South Country’: Edward Thomas and suburbia
  • Stephen Regan. Robert Frost: ‘Talk of Going’ and ‘The Sound of Trees’
No. 3, 2004
  • Sean Street. The shadowed garden: the Dymock poets and the idea of Arcadia
  • Judy Greenway. Shoulder to shoulder: Elizabeth and Wilfrid Gibson
  • R.K.R. Thornton. Sheep or horses: notes on two books by W.W. Gibson
  • Richard Emeny. Edward Thomas at Dymock
  • Pamela Blevins. Edward Thomas in America
  • Jeff Cooper. The Frosts at Ryton
No. 4, 2005
  • Michael Schmidt. Robert Frost and the image
  • Dominic Hibberd. First of the war poets: Wilfrid Gibson and the Great War
  • Edna Longley. Edward Thomas and memory
  • Suzette Hill. ‘John Webster and Elizabethan Drama’ by Rupert Brooke
  • Benjamin Peters. The sense of nature in the poetry of Edward Thomas
  • Guy Cuthbertson. Edward Thomas’s ‘Words’ and the Worthies of Dymock Country
No. 5, 2006
  • Alison Brackenbury. Singing in the dark: Edward Thomas and traditional song
  • Lucy Newlyn. ‘Having no particular home’: Edward Thomas and sauntering
  • Kedrun Laurie. From Noble to Abercrombie: the influence of Northern writers on Edward Thomas
  • John Greening. Four poets of the First World War
  • Suzette A. Hill. John Drinkwater and the critical muse,with notes on the Ledwidge appraisal
  • Nicky Arscott. ‘As the Team’s Head Brass’ and ‘The Gallows’: Edward Thomas and the sounds of speech
No. 6, 2007
  • John Lucas. Other voices, other lives
  • Judy Kendall. Influences and echoes in Edward Thomas
  • Guy Cuthbertson. Edward Thomas, George Crabbe and the crab-like hand
  • Susie Self. Travels with my grandfather: John Drinkwater in Austria
  • Max Egremont. Siegfried Sassoon’s wars
  • Jeff Cooper. ‘New Numbers’: the story of a periodical
No. 7, 2008
  • Anne Harvey. Outside the Golden Room
  • Jeff Cooper. Lascelles Abercrombie and Ezra Pound: a turbulent relationship
  • Maurice Browne. The poetry of W.W. Gibson
  • Richard Emeny. Edward Thomas ninety years on
  • Jeremy Hooker. Alone in life: the friendship of Robert Frost and Edward Thomas
  • Roger Ebbatson. The ‘spiritual geography’ of Edward Thomas
No. 8, 2009
  • Tim Kendall. One Another’s Guide: Robert Frost and Edward Thomas
  • Adrian Barlow. ‘The Word is Said’: Re-reading the Poetry of John Drinkwater
  • Richard Harries. Poetry in a Time of Unbelief: Edward Thomas and the Elusive Call
  • Matthew Hollis. If We Could See All: Edward Thomas and the Road to War
  • R.K.R. Thornton. Having a Particular Home: Ivor Gurney, Edward Thomas and Walking
No. 9, 2010
  • Jeff Cooper. Poet, Scholar, Crusader: Lascelles Abercrombie
  • Richard Price. The Poetry of Lascelles Abercrombie: A Reassessment
  • Merryn Williams. Remembering Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
  • Jess Owen. The Poet’s Task: Wilfrid Gibson’s Poetry and Critical Writings of the 1930s
  • Susie Self. The Triumph of Abraham Lincoln: John Drinkwater’s Life as a Playwright
  • Penny Ely. Ladders of Gold: John Haines Glimpsed Through the Eyes of His Friends
No. 10, 2011
  • Lynn Parker. Swords and Ploughshares: Rivalries and Reputations, 1900-1925
  • Sue Houseago. Wives and Muses of the Dymock Poets
  • Jacek Wiśniewski. Elected Friends: Edward Thomas and Robert Frost
  • Jean Moorcroft Wilson. Edward Thomas: Roads to France
  • Roger Ebbatson. ‘As The Team’s Head-Brass’: Hardyesque Overtones
No. 11, 2012
  • Judy Greenway. Wilfrid Gibson:Poetry, Family, History
  • Wyn Hobson. Wilfrid Gibson After Dymock
  • Peter Howarth. Edward Marsh and The Modern Editor
  • Jon Stallworthy. The Poets Go To War
  • Jeff Cooper. Poetry and Its Readers in England, 1900-1915: An Introductory Note
No. 12, 2013
  • John Juřica. Dymock and the Madresfield Estate
  • Richard Emeny. Edward Thomas: An Accidental Cockney
  • Anne Harvey. Supporting Cast: Edward Thomas’s Friends
  • Tim Brewis. Edward Thomas – Loved or Loathed?: Attitudes of Young People to Thomas and Poetry in General
  • Tim Kendall. Wilfrid Gibson and the First World War
  • Eleanor Rawling. Ivor Gurney’s Gloucestershire: Exploring Poetry and Place
No 13, 2014
  • Claire Cochrane. ‘For Art Is Holy’: Birmingham Rep and a Dream of Theatre 1913-1929
  • Wyn Hobson. Some Poetic Voices of John Drinkwater
  • Judy Greenway. Elizabeth and Wilfrid Gibson: Art For Life’s Sake? Politics, Religion and Poetry
  • Susie Self. Rupert Brooke and the Eternal Goddess
  • Ralph Pite. Robert Frost and Edward Thomas in Conversation
  • Anna Stenning. While We Two Walked
No 14, 2015
  • Lascelles Abercrombie. Rupert Brooke (with postscript by Jeff Cooper. The Rupert Brooke Ceremony, 1931)
  • Kirsty Hartsiotis. Enchanted Cotswold Country: John Drinkwater, the Arts and Crafts Movement and Far Oakridge
  • Jean Moorcroft Wilson. Edward Thomas in Uniform
  • Laurence Coupe. Edward Thomas and Green Studies
  • Anthony Nanson. Edward Thomas and Edward Garnett: The Fruits of a Literary Friendship
  • William Wootten. ‘New Numbers’, New Verse?
No 15, 2016
  • Philip Gross. Poem: ‘The Edge of the Wood’
  • Jeff Cooper. Lascelles Abercrombie and Modernism
  • Susie Self. Rupert Brooke and the Eternal Goddess expressed through music
  • Debby Thacker. In the Company of Children: Frost, Thomas and Farjeon and aspects of childhood in Dymock
  • Judy Greenway. ‘War is a business of innumerable personal tragedies’: Wilfrid Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson Cheyne and the First World War
  • Richard Emeny. 1913 and Edward Thomas
  • Tim Copeland. William Cobbett, Richard Jefferies and Edward Thomas: Landscape archaeologists?
  • John Monks. The true story of how Edward Thomas became a poet: A re-examination of his prose
  • Wyn Hobson. A Wonted Stop at Adlestrop
  • Anne Harvey. Eleanor Farjeon: A closer look
  • Andrew Webb. Book review: Jean Moorcroft Wilson, ‘Edward Thomas: From Adlestrop to Arras’
No 16, 2017
  • Seán Street. Two Poems.
  • Seán Street. Listening with Edward Thomas: Tuning in to his World
  • R.K.R. Thornton. Wilfrid Gibson’s monologue against war
  • Philip Lancaster. Ivor Gurney & the Muse of the Severn Vale
  • Heather Cobby. Two Thomases and ‘hiraeth’
  • Merryn Williams. The Georgian poets or ‘Must poetry be difficult?’
  • Nicholas Murray. ‘Begloried Sonnets’: Patriotic Rhetoric in the Poetry of Rupert Brooke
  • Linda Hart. Searching for the Truth in Robert Frost’s ‘Neither Out Far Nor In Deep’
  • Robert Moreland. Jack Haines: ‘That now forgotten genius’
  • John Monks. Letters from Myfanwy Thomas light up Edward Thomas’s love of folk-song that he shared with his family
  • Linda Hart. King’s College, Cambridge, and the Schroder collection of Rupert Brooke papers
  • Book reviews: New entries in Cecil Woolf’s ‘The War Poets’ series
  • John Monks. A glimpse of Edward Thomas in uniform
No 17, 2018
  • Deryn Rees-Jones. Poem: ‘Nightjar’
  • Philip Lancaster. Poem: ‘Pane’
  • Roger Ebbatson. Literary Impressionism: Edward Thomas and Marcel Proust
  • William H Pritchard. Frost and Thomas
  • Gideon Perret. Looking for Melville in Frost’s ‘Neither Out Far Nor In Deep’
  • John Powell Ward. Edward Thomas’s Centenaries: some memories from Wales
  • Anna Stenning. ‘The strange sweetness’
  • Heather Cobby. Paths to Glory
  • Anthony Handy. Exile Coming Home: The Enigma of Edward Thomas
  • Jeff Cooper. Lascelles Abercrombie—Political Crusader
  • Philip Lancaster. ‘Worthy of the great time’: Ivor Gurney and the Abercrombies
  • Susannah Self. Musical Responses to John Drinkwater’s Poetry
  • Tony Sharpe. Robert Frost: ‘Whose Woods These Are I Think I Know’
  • Patrick Dillon. A social and literary network in North Berkshire around the time of the First World War
No 18, 2019
  • R.K.R. Thornton. The value of the Dymock Poets
  • Seán Street. ‘Divine Arithmetic’: Rural Sound as Event
  • Ian Parks. Poem: ‘I Meet you at the Horses’
  • Fred Beake. Dreaming of the Everyday
  • Merryn Williams. Poem: ‘Wytham Woods’
  • Gideon Perret. Not the train that Edward Thomas heard – a transatlantic reading of ‘Adlestrop’
  • Anne Harvey. ‘No one so much as you’: a poem in search of a subject?
  • John Powell Ward. Four poems
  • R.K.R Thornton. A Tale of Two Counties: Wilfrid Gibson in Northumberland and Gloucestershire
  • Virginia Smith. ‘Man’s Greatest Enterprise’: Revealing the science in the poetry of Robert Frost
  • Rowan Middleton. New Frost acquisition and Dymock Poets module at the University of Gloucestershire
  • Janice Lingley. Edward Thomas’s sonnet ‘February Afternoon’: The Dreamer and the Dream
  • Guy Cuthbertson. The Day of Victory: Gloucestershire and its poets at the Armistice
  • Richard Simkin. Artist, mapmaker, campaigner: Barbara Davis, 1937-2018
  • Seán Street. Poem: ‘Sound is a Memory’
  • Book reviews by Roger Ebbatson, Ben Monks, R.K.R. Thornton and Nicholas Murray
  • John Monks. Envoi
No 19, 2020
  • David Constantine. Two poems: ‘Chorus from Sophocles’ Antigone’ and ‘Dolphin’
  • Roger Hogg. Wilfrid Gibson—Second World War Poet
  • Judy Greenway. Letter: Wilfrid Gibson’s family life
  • John Masefield. Poem: ‘Ryton Meadows’
  • R.K.R. Thornton. Place in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • Jeff Cooper. Yeats’s “terrible beauty” and Lascelles Abercrombie
  • Nicholas Murray. Two poems: ‘Form’ and ‘The House’
  • Rowan Middleton. New outlooks
  • Ellie Rhodes. Is the theory of linguistic differences in terms of gender relevant in Eleanor Farjeon’s ‘Now that You Too’ and Edward Thomas’s ‘This is no case of petty right or wrong’?
  • Beka Moran. ‘We are now in the thick of it’
  • Heather Cobby. Sowing
  • Neil Maybin. An Unusual Young Man: The Metamorphosis of a Poet
  • Rupert Brooke. An Unusual Young Man
  • Ingrid Rosenberg-Harbaum. Soul-building on the Margins
  • Gideon Perrett. Walking and Poetry: Robert Frost’s ‘Iris by Night’
  • Neil Kjeldsen. Taking “the other”
  • Tom Durham. Meditation and Recitation: A lifetime’s dedication to the spoken word
  • Ian Caws. Poem: ‘Dymock’
  • Jeff Cooper. Three near-death poems by Lascelles Abercrombie
No 20, 2021
  • Ivor Gurney. Poem: ‘Pilgrimage’
  • Philip Lancaster. On Gurney’s ‘Pilgrimage’
  • David Constantine. Idyll and Elegy in War and its Lattermath
  • R.K.R. Thornton. Hammering out ‘Firelight’: Ivor Gurney’s Poetic Progress
  • Richard Cappuccio. ‘His broad hat shading his face’: Tracing Rupert Brooke in the Writing of Katherine Mansfield
  • David Constatine. Not Flopping into Myth
  • Rowena Edlin-White. Frances Jennings (1885-1915), Artist and Traveller, Who Brought Her Donkey Cart to Dymock
  • Molly Heard. Two Wartime Poems by Lascelles Abercrombie and Eleanor Farjeon
  • Lascelles Abercrombie. Two Haiku
  • Roger Ebbatson. The South Country: Richard Jefferies and Edward Thomas
  • Gideon Perrett. Edward Thomas and Yone Noguchi
  • Jeff Cooper. Lascelles Abercrombie, the Critics and the Satirists
  • Susannah Self. John Drinkwater’s Life at 9, The Grove, Highgate, circa 1930 to 1933/34
  • Rowan Middleton. Two Poems
  • Nick Wilde. The Isle of Wight, Pictured by Ernest Haslehurst, Described by Edward Thomas: A Reassessment
  • Rachael Hill. Five Poems, Created from the Words of Helen and Edward Thomas
  • Rowan Middleton. Edward Thomas and Plants
  • Richard Simkin. Six Poets and a Landscape
  • Friedhelm Rathjen. Edward Thomas and James Joyce: Inventing a Connection
  • Bert Molsom. Out of Silence: A New Collection of Poems by Fred Beake
  • Janice Lingley. Edward Thomas: In Pursuit of Spring and ‘Up in the Wind’: Poetry as Palimpsest
No 21, 2022
  • Kim Taplin. Present Mirth
  • Jeff Cooper. Gordon Bottomley: Dramatist, Poet and Genius at Friendship
  • R.K.R. Thornton. The Prize for Poetry in 1912
  • Merryn Williams. The Kingfisher
  • Jeff Towns. A Village Tale: Some Notes on Edward Thomas, Swansea, and Dylan Thomas
  • Nicholas Murray. Worth Reprinting: Edward Thomas’s ‘Swansea Village’
  • Merryn Williams. Roots and priorities: Raymond Williams, Cultural Critic and Pioneer of Green Issues
  • Gale Millward. A Flood of Poets
  • Luciana da Costa Jütte. ‘Constructed to carry the reader through the lines’: an appreciation of Edward Thomas’s ‘The Owl’
  • Suzanne Conway. Tantalising Vagueness: Edward Thomas’s ‘Liberty’ and ‘The Glory’
  • Roger Ebbatson. Spiritual Father of the Georgians
  • Fred Beake. Through the Straits
  • Faith Tait. On the Wild Track
  • Hannah Green. Friendship, Poetry and the Railway—Three ingredients that made the Dymock Poets
  • Janice Lingley. Labour’s ‘Sweetest Dream’ and a Jefferiesian Butterfly
  • Roger Ebbatson. ‘I was walking by Gloucester musing’—how Ivor Gurney’s free-wheeling existence came to its tragic end
  • Kevin Vaughan-Spruce. Patriotism in Edward Thomas and Rupert Brooke
  • Gideon Perret. Edward Thomas: Beneath and Above a Cloud of Depression
  • Philippa Parker. Wilfrid Gibson’s poems in SCHOOL magazine
  • Tailpiece. Bookplate of Gordon Bottomley
No 22, 2023
  • Seán Street. Recording the Essence: Natural sound into text and back again in Richard Jefferies and Edward Thomas
  • Ben Keatinge. Starlings
  • David Constantine. Edward Thomas and the Swifts
  • Gideon Perret. ‘Frost on Frost’
  • David Constantine. Swifts
  • Faith Tait. To hold dear: to cherish
  • Isabelle Mouat. Criticisms of W. H. Davies
  • W. H. Davies. The Bed-sitting room
  • Roger Ebbatson. The Inexplicable Mystery of Walter de la Mare’s Sound.
  • Tom Durham. Anne Harvey, 1933—2022: The Flesh is made Words
  • Anne Harvey. ‘Supporting Cast’: Edward Thomas’s Friends
  • Heather Cobby. No Such Thing As Time
  • Peter Smith. In Memoriam: R. S. Thomas
  • Martin Brooks. ‘’Tis my delight’: Edward Thomas’s Folk Songs and Inns
  • Bert Molsom. Countryside, Memory, Music
  • Philip Lancaster. From ‘Sonata’
  • Suzanne Conway. Two poems
  • Philippa Parker. Wilfrid Gibson and his Family in Letchworth Garden City, 1926—1933
  • Wilfrid Gibson. Reunion: To Robert Frost
  • Colin Bancroft. Into the Wild: Robert Frost and the Wilderness Experience
  • Linda Hart. Robert Frost: Arrival
  • Jane Winter. The Myths about Rupert Brooke
  • Paul Ibell. The Mosquito’s Kiss
  • Tailpiece. The ‘Hark to Melody’ Pub